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Kuldeep Tiwari
Dec 02, 2019
In General Discussions
How to prepare for MPSC? MPSC State Services exam is definitely NOT easy to clear. Unlike the school or college exams, there is no Pass or Fail in this exam. Here are some points which should be taken into consideration while preparing for MPSC: MPSC Syllabus: Before you start to prepare for MPSC exam, the very first step is to read and understand the detailed MPSC syllabus. Time Management: This is really very important to manage the time very well in the exam as this exam is not mere a knowledge test but the time test. You may be a bright student but you may not be able to answer every question in given time, right? In Preliminary exam, all you have to do is use the “Discriminatory” method while selecting one correct (most appropriate one) answer from the different options. There may be two or more correct answer but you need to choose the most suitable answer. This is not like the school or college exam. The main purpose of this Prelims exam is to eliminate huge number of candidates to choose only the best who can serve the country using their skills, knowledge, judgement, etc. Do not waste your time in answering tough questions, go for easy questions first and then the tougher ones.

Kuldeep Tiwari

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